Poly Pillow™

The name Poly Pillow™ may sound a little misleading, as this flexible plastic arch is not a soft fluffy cushion like we put under our heads. The Poly Pillow™ replaces the traditional concrete or wooden brisket board.Poly Pillow Sold by Wille Construction
The name Poly Pillow™ may sound a little misleading, as this flexible plastic arch is not a soft fluffy cushion like we put under our heads. The Poly Pillow™ replaces the traditional concrete or wooden brisket board

  • Poly Pillow™ has gentle curves that allow cows to step ahead upon rising and then permit natural leg extensions when lying back down.
  • Poly Pillow™ keeps the cow from moving too far ahead in the stalls and allows natural lying positions.
  • The contoured design of Poly Pillow™ significantly decreases the risk of dew claw injury.
  • Poly Pillow™ is the perfect addition to any stall.


When Poly Pillow™ is installed it helps to index the cow. Placement is everything for a clean and waste free stall. The clean up time is easier and shorter!!

Research proves that stalls with Poly Pillow™ are better accepted by cows. The cows are able to move and lunge with ease

Poly Pillow sold by Wille Constrion